In his two years of imprisonment, Travis Richey fully grasped the gravity of the matter that with the elevation in incarceration comes several social issues. The incarcerated individuals face a lot of troubles when they go out in society. They usually are not well-equipped to get a job or manage a living or even adopt a healthy social lifestyle.
Travis, along with his partners Peter Meyerhoff, Sean Michael Crane, and Ryan Stream are bringing global awareness to the reentry process through the ConvictEd Conferences.
The 4 men together have over 2 decades of prison experience. On top of that they all have successful marriages, beautiful children, authored books, mentored hundreds of people and generated millions of dollars in successful businesses between them. That narrative, that anything is possible is the message they will bring to the world. Crane says “the purpose behind the Conferences is to attract individuals who desire a convicted life: convicted in their Vision, their Purpose, and their Actions.” The dynamic foursome is bringing their blueprint of worldly success to venues around the Country starting in Q1 of 2022.
Richey says “there are so many companies and mastermind groups that focus on the successful businessman or accomplished entrepreneur; but nobody is talking to the guy who is working 2 jobs and hustling to make ends meet and has nowhere to turn in his circle of influence for a roadmap out of poverty, tramadol buy online debt, depression, and addiction. WE are that circle of influence that will raise the tide and lift all boats.”
When the 4 of us met we knew our purpose was to inspire others.
“Each of us brings a unique skill set and perspective to the table and they complement one another perfectly. A successful individual needs a mentor in the pillars of life: mental, physical, emotional, financial and spiritual and WE are those pillars” says Stream.
Meyerhoff spent his youth inside prisons making the wrong choices and it is his mission in life to seek out those troubled youth and let them know they have all the tools they need to be successful inside themselves. He believes “resources are never the problem, it is resourcefulness that either creates a beautiful life or causes you to create excuses.” Our conference will create a breakthrough in limiting beliefs and allow like-minded individuals with a colorful past to create a beautiful, purpose-filled future. The conferences will be held around the Country on a bi-monthly basis in Scottsdale, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Boise, Dallas and Salt Lake City. Visit their website at to sign up for all updates and stay informed of upcoming events and products.