Dr. Janine Kreft is a Clinical Psychologist and founder of Kreft’s Couch. Kreft’s Couch is an online website with mental wellness and therapeutic courses. Dr. Kreft also runs an Instagram page @kreftscouch and TikTok channel @kreftscouch where she posts videos containing daily life instances and tools for mental health hygiene.
Mental health is undeniably one of the most important aspects as a human that needs to be maintained in order to live a fulfilling life. Dr. Kreft claims that mental wellness is “as essential as physical health.” Similar to how you go for regular physical check-ups to the doctor, therapy and coaching can be just as vital to maintain overall well-being. There has always been a stigma around those seeking mental support, yet Dr. Kreft aims to change this perspective through her newly launched business called Kreft’s Couch.
Kreft’s Couch is a space that encourages people to find healing by offering courses that facilitate them in solving problems like over-thinking, self-doubt, and relationship conflict, etc. She is a licensed professional who instead of following the traditional model for treatment, looks out for unique tools to share in daily life situations to cultiavte healing.
Dr. Kreft has a strong work ethic and ensures that her clients are offered high quality treatment based on her quick observations and ability to read the energetic root of a problem. She has made efforts to design courses and programs that are more customized for her clients needs. The benefit of her courses is that they can be completed at a self pace and compliment her therapeutic work.
According to Dr. Kreft, it is vital that we take care of buy modafinil online our mental health in order to live a long life. She mentioned that chronic diseases often stem from unresolved traumatic life experiences. She says “A chronically dysregulated nervous system is like leaving a car on all the time, it’s always ready to go but will wear out pretty quickly.”
Especially in situations such as the pandemic when people have had to self-quarantine, it is essential that they look after their mental health. For those who experience anxiety or depression, the chronic stress and worry about the state of the world worsens physical health as well.
Through her engaging social media platform, Dr. Kreft makes videos that are “digestible” for her audience to process and follow in times of an anxiety attack or emotional distress. She uses the Emotion Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping approach and breathwork to facilitate reregulating.
Dr. Kreft is a highly accomplished psychologist who has helped her clients with energy fluency and a unique approach to mental wellness.