When Zachary Reality’s parents divorced, he was 17 years old. At that time, he moved out of his five-bedroom childhood home and into a modest apartment. It could have been a disaster for his depression, but it was the moment he was forced to leave his room where he had been hiding from the world, and at that moment, he was forced to open up to life.
Today, Zachary Reality is a 24-years old successful entertainment host and content creator, who works as a journalist and commentator for Shared News, where he covers all the things bachelor pop culture.
Zachary Reality has always been a hard worker, and when he first started studying broadcast journalism in college, it became clear that he wanted to work in the entertainment industry. But, more particularly, a reality television one, because he has always liked reality television.
He believed that moving to Los Angeles soon after college, where he studied at a little New Jersey school, was the start of his entrepreneurship journey. He moved to Los Angeles at the age of 22 with no work and no savings. After that, he gradually began to reclaim control of his life. He worked as an uber driver for the first several months since he did not want to work for just anyone. He wanted to be his own boss. During his first six months, he used temp agencies to find small gigs and jobs until hosting chances arose.
Zachary thinks that many people move to Los Angeles with the expectation of being famous and successful in a week’s time. He had always wanted to work for E! and assumed that he had already been there. One thing he has discovered is that success does not come easily. That was something he had to accept and work with. Things are designed to happen one at a time, and he says “it wouldn’t be worth it if you got everything at once”. He learned to appreciate the flurry of activity.
Zachary is innovative and generates his own ideas. For Bachelor TikTok, he established the tone. He comes up with new ideas and thoughts. He is his own boss. Consistency, originality, creativity, and passion are attributed to his success.
Zachary Reality’s hard work paid off and now he has 300K followers on TikTok. Along with that, moving across the country with only two people to know and making a life for himself in Los Angeles was a challenge for him, because he was a 22-year old person, moving from New York to chase his dream, with idea what he was signing up for. He signed his first lease for his own flat and paid rent on his own as a freelancer in an expensive city. Every single guest he has had on his podcast and every job he has ever had are his achievements. Because it has been a triumph. Even the tiny victories in adulthood are a success for him.