The pandemic has disrupted countless lives. Anxiety, stress, and fear have been at an all time high amongst the world’s population. Many people are grieving the loss of loved ones or not being able to see family because of travel restrictions.
Then there is the unemployment issue for many that the pandemic has caused and changes to the way we live our lives with new technology and protocols to adjust to. Dealing with all this is complicated and a huge challenge for so many people.
Louise Houghton, a renowned TV host, and media professional has acquired a mindset and learned ways to tackle the daily stresses that the pandemic has brought about. She believes that the most effective way to stay calm is to take care of the things you can control – one of those things being the mind and letting go of the things that are out of your control.
Her fun and cheery personality which is exhibited in her work as a broadcast journalist, host of live TV shows and events stem from her regular constant efforts to clear her mind and be positive in life. She says “It is a habit of mine to practice meditation and reiki so maybe that keeps me grounded and exuding this nice energy people tell me I have!”
Living close to nature, and making weekly efforts to emerge herself within it is her favorite way of dealing with the stress of life. She shares her love for nature on her social media platforms and explains how it has brought the necessary peace and tranquility needed during these hard times.
“Lately I’ve remembered how much I benefit from alone time. Work has finally picked up again and it’s been a busy few months of travel. I’ve realized the power of peace and quiet and how it can help reset and recharge. The mountains do that too. I’m so lucky to have them on my doorstep to help keep my feet grounded and my spirit free.”
It has been scientifically proven that spending time in nature can have a huge impact on improving memory, lowering your stress hormones, and freeing yourself from the stresses of life. This is why Louise is also a staunch supporter of countering climate change and taking conscious and practical steps to preserve and conserve the environment for a better future.
Check out her production company ECODA media that specialises in environmental issues and see her Instagram for more information on her reiki meditation practice.