Kumail Hussain is an emerging content creator, medical student, and entrepreneur. With more than 80k followers on Instagram and thousands of followers on YouTube, Kumail is set to emerge as a social media sensation with his medical background, amazing conversational skills, and unique insights on life, self-development, and academia.
In a few years, Kumail has managed to build his brand name The Kumail Hussain which aims to provide a one-stop solution for all problems faced during the daunting years of life when studies get tough. He has created digital products such as ebooks, calendars, budget planners, study schedules, meal plans, and email templates to help youngsters in organizing their life. He is the strategic partner in a mobile app CalendarBuddy which is built to aid users in organizing time and being productive. He also does acting and modeling in his free time. You can find him in commercials for Optimum Nutrition, Pedialyte, Cisco, Aspen Dental and even in the TV show Chicago P.D.! Check out his acting portfolio here.
Kumail accredits his organizational skills and habits that have helped him maintain a balance between medical school and modafinil best prise online entrepreneurship.
Read For The Soul
Kumail knows how reading is the best way to expand your horizons and unleash the creative giant in you. He has made it a habit to read every morning before he starts his day. The books are centered on personal finance and self-development.
Get Moving
Working out is not just important to stay lean, it is also immensely important for mental wellbeing. Kumail makes sure to work out each day as being a medical student he knows that physical fitness is medically proven to improve focus and performance.
Calendar Buddy To The Rescue
Kumail uses the innovative app to schedule his entire day and work accordingly as it helps him stay focused, organized, and determined throughout the day.
Not Compromising Sleep
Sleep is just as important as eating right, and if you are not getting enough you are ruining your health. Kumail makes sure to catch almost 7 hours of sleep daily and avoids using the phone not just throughout the day but especially at night. Talking about excessive phone usage he says, “I think obsessively checking your phone is terrible for productivity. Something I try to teach on my social media!”
Conscious Efforts to Elevate Mood
When was the last time you did something to make yourself feel good? Sometimes you get so occupied in the daily hustle and bustle that you almost forget to make conscious efforts to elevate your mood. Kumail constantly looks to find ways to make his routine easier and improve his focus and mood.
Seeking Risks
Kumail believes risks are what drive you forward in life. The discomfort and fear are what help you struggle and grow. “I make it a habit to do something that scares me or makes me feel uncomfortable. Like taking risks and investing in myself.”