What if we ask you to define self-improvement? Well, the definition of self-improvement is pretty self-explanatory: Self-improvement is the quest to make ourselves better in any and every aspect of life. It is the improvement of one’s knowledge, status, or character by one’s efforts. It not only lets you identify your strengths and play on them but also helps you set life goals and make them happen. After all, you can only achieve what you want when you are well aware of what you want.
Many might find it hard to believe but the most successful business people and medical professionals out there, never stop learning. And it doesn’t mean continuing education or studying for boards only.
Self-improvement and personal growth are a highly valuable part of our careers and life in general.
Having recognized the importance and value of self-improvement, we realize that rewiring our habits, changing our perceptions, and learning new things, is never easy. One needs tons of courage to step into the emotional discomfort that arises when we leave our comfort zones.
If you are in search of one such courageous person to motivate you, then Dr. Iman Taheri is one such inspiring personality you can surely look up to.
Dr. Iman was born and raised in Iran and currently resides in Toronto, Canada. He graduated from the best medical school as the youngest general surgeon in 2014 and has practiced in different fields of medicine globally from volunteering in a drug war zone in the Middle East as a trauma surgeon to cosmetic surgery in Dubai.
When the ongoing pandemic was announced right before he started his independent practice in Dubai, he was in Canada visiting his family. Pandemic, like it was for everyone, was a shock for Dr. Iman as well.
But instead of giving in, Dr. Iman embraced the change that the pandemic brought in his life. He started to share his poetry and supportive short-form videos on social media. And even though he was not fluent in English and was completely a stranger to western culture, he was able to create a community of like-minded people around his content! All due to his consistency and authenticity.
And his courage and consistency paid off. In the last 10 months, he has managed to create a community of over 500,000 audiences globally, all-around social media.
Consistency, Dr. Iman believes, is the reason for his success. Not only has he been posting his content every day almost at the same time for the last 10 months, but he also combined his knowledge of supportive psychotherapy and his passion for poetry, acting, music, and sign language to support his audience in all aspects of health.
So, if you want to show courage like Dr. Iman and work on self-improvement, don’t do too much at once, take one step at a time and focus on the long haul.