“Anything in life that is worth having is worth working for.” — Andrew Carnegie
We all know that if we want some improvements in our life, necessary forces and efforts are needed to change our position.
Successful people know that to achieve what they truly want, they need to work for it. And they do! Relentlessly.
Alana Parks is one such person.
Alana grew up in San Diego, CA, and is the eldest of 3 sisters. All of them grew up in a single-mother household.
Her whole life she felt like she was playing “keep up” with her peers. Though she admits that her mom did everything she could for them. And this, besides many other reasons, made her main focus to be able to retire her mom as early as possible. An endearing aim indeed!
Alana Parks’ desire to help other small business owners with social media marketing has led her to make astute use of the power of social media platforms.
Currently, Alana has been able to build a digital community of 50,000+ small business owners and has also spoken alongside billionaires Mark Cuban and Sally Krawcheck at a 2021 financial summit for young entrepreneurs.
Also, Alana has recently partnered with the largest, fastest-growing social media platform to help coach small business owners on social media marketing. An inspiring step that many of us should aim to emulate!
Alana’s sense of meaning and purpose gives her inexhaustible drive and offers guideposts to follow along the path. Achievements don’t normally align with purpose, and even though she has been a part of the expansion of many elective surgeries practices, she has found more purpose in helping other business owners in the marketing space.
There were definitely a lot of ups and downs both in the personal and personal life of Alana, and life isn’t a bed of roses still.
But what matters for Alana is that she now loves what she does, which is mostly the creative side of marketing and her ultimate aim is to build this into a business that can operate on its own and also hopes to teach others how to do the same thing.
What success stories like Alana teach us is that when the going gets tough, you should always believe in yourself. This belief in yourself fuels your motivation and sustains you during challenging times. And once things become easier you can always sit back and feel empowered looking back at the progress you have made in spite of the challenges faced.