Living one’s passion appears to come effortlessly to certain people. They devote themselves to the activities they enjoy regardless of what society expects of them. However, it is not easy for all of us. We bring to light an empowering individual who is an expert in providing people a true motif of living and a direction. It is none other than Raven Magwood, a successful author, filmmaker, and motivational speaker. From a young age, she has been one of those fortunate people who found their passion and talent.
According to Raven, this is because passion emanates from the heart rather than the mind. Most likely, you already know what you want to do with your life. All you have to do now is connect with it.
Here, she shares with us some remarkable tips for our readers to successfully live out their passions and talents.
Increase productivity
Productivity is the amount of meaningful and high-quality work you can complete in a given amount of time, usually by lowering the amount of time spent on ineffective activities or tasks, with the ultimate purpose of getting closer to the desired goal or freeing up time for more enjoyable pursuits.
This means that while you’re productive, you’re completing tasks that move you closer to your objectives. It’s up to you what these objectives are: spending more time with your family, running a 10k marathon, or simply improving at something.
Set short term goals
Short-term goals connect where you are today with your vision for the future. Short-term objectives are attainable in less than a year and are specific and quantifiable. Short-term goals are frequently set on a monthly or quarterly basis.
Short-term goals are easier to achieve and can help you gain confidence and momentum as you work toward your long-term objectives. Setting short-term objectives allows you to make meaningful daily and weekly progress toward a worthwhile goal.
Experiment with things that are new to you.
Change is something we despise, so we usually fight it. We don’t enjoy it when our comfort is broken, no matter how bored we are with our work or personal life. We get agitated, furious, and fearful.
If you want to find purpose, test your capabilities, or improve your abilities, you must step outside of your comfort zone. You must take chances, conjure up some energy, and defy fear whether you want to assist mental nourishment or move into a new vocation with a new skill.