Pedro Bori, a Mexican writer with three published books, traveled far and wide in pursuit of his dream of becoming a writer. He spent his entire life in fifteen places and five countries. Moving frequently gave him a chance to explore the world and meet various new people. Bori discovered that life is never easy for anyone, and since Bori himself came from a very happening life, his life goal changed after witnessing so much suffering: he wanted to use his writing to alleviate people’s suffering and improve their lives.
Bori belonged to a single mother and left his home as soon as the family grew, and they started to have big-family troubles. He was alone in his journey of reaching his goal. Suffering from depression, Bori wrote his first book in two days. Just two days. This was a massive achievement considering his mental state. It acted as a fuel, and a huge motivator and Bori found his inspiration. He worked as a principal at a foster care and got the idea for his buy modafinil global shipping second book, about effective parenting. His life mission was now to help people through his work. He wanted to save many from painful parenting.
Bori’s dream is to publish thirteen books. “ I don’t care if my books don’t make me rich; money is something I care the least about. I just want to help people and influence them positively through my writings,’ states Bori. Along with writing, Bori grew his interest in game development. Unfortunately, his first game couldn’t secure any fundings at a Kickstarter campaign, but Bori is adamant about playing his part in the gaming community, so he is already working on his second project, a card game. Bori has high hopes for this game.
Bori’s life has a considerable element of philanthropy in it. He has a psychology major and considering his own life experiences, he fully understands how people feel when struggling and going through painful times. He works with an NGO to help children and their families to manage the aftereffects of violence in Mexico. Bori’s turbulent life has transformed him into a better person. He developed several great habits, a healthy lifestyle, and a sense of gratefulness with his writing, game development, and efforts to help people to improve their lives.
Do you want to know more about him or his work? Visit his IG profile or website: