“Eat whatever you want because eating is your God-given right” is what the brand Built by Biron revolves around. Built by Biron is a fitness startup that provides personal and small group training to people of all sizes. The fitness classes can be tailored to anyone’s fitness needs.
Built by Biron emerged in the devastating lockdown times when everyone was worried sick about their health and wellbeing. The former swimmers Biron sisters, Carly and Maddie, started their business as an online platform that provides workout videos to fitness enthusiasts. Shooting the videos in their backyard, the sisters wanted to help people maintain a healthy lifestyle when they couldn’t access the gyms and fitness equipment. They based their brand on body neutrality, self-acceptance, and good vibes. Initially, the videos were absolutely free, and due to their positivity and unique message through their work, they received an overwhelming response from the audiences with jam-pack classes. In a couple of months, they started charging a nominal fee for the subscription to their sessions.
Built by Biron spreads positivity and gives the message of self-acceptance. It strongly advocates that a healthy lifestyle is not limited to weight buy xanax from europe loss only. Instead of suggesting diets, the Biron sisters recommend people easy-to-follow workout routines. Their brand is not based on what you weigh, but it follows the mantra of fitness for both mind and body.
The Biron sisters aim to reshape the dynamics of the fitness industry and gym culture. It is all about perspective, and one must not relate fitness with body weight. They run a podcast, “Eat the Damn Cake,” to make the fitness industry a more inclusive and welcoming place for all sorts of people. Carly and Maddie also break down why diet culture is so toxic and provide research on custom diets and fitness trends to help educate their listeners on the harmful impacts of dieting.
Based in Framingham, MA, the sisters plan to build more studios in the future where they can combine personal and small group training with group fitness instruction. They also like to embark on a “fitness tour” around the United States, spreading their message of body positivity and self-care by teaching their group fitness programs and demonstrating the unique perspective of fitness at Built by Biron.