Jessica Lewis is a UK based Shamanic Practitioner, owner of a shamanic shop that sources products from South America, The Shipibo Market. She is also a singer of medicine music, which is an integral part of shamanism and its healing concepts. She endorses community integration and supporting survival of indigenous communities. Social welfare wellbeing is ingrained in her soul and most of the projects she has participated in have evolved from her passion to help people in need. She has done both nationally and internationally, participated in cage fighting and presented boxing on the field. She also created her sell out event, Gathering of Minds and secured her own radio show. Currently, she is also working on releasing her album and regularly participates in singing medicine music. Jessica is truly an inspiration with her different career changes over the years and her mindset of a warrior.There are 3 things that have shaped her to be the strong and independent woman she is today.
Money Should Not Matter for Success
Jessica believes money should never be the driving force in life. When you are on your deathbed, money is the last thing on your mind. Relationships, moments of joy and the time we have which we take for granted is all that matters.The true measure of success is not the amount of money you have but how happy and content you are with buy soma online your life.
Challenges Are a Blessing
Challenges are a part of life and dealing with them with confidence is the key. Accepting challenges as a part of the learning process is the way to move forward. With every challenging situation, you learn something new and move a step forward in your career or life. Jessica’ Lewis’s fighter soul never allowed her to give up and this is one of the reasons she created a new light for herself after her life got a little dark..
Live in Gratitude
Appreciating what you have is what gets you forward in each phase of life. Jessica firmly believes in living a life of gratitude to manifest your true potential. According to Jessica, getting caught up in what you don’t have can break you and counts as your first failure, as you fail to see what you have already. She preaches practicing gratitude as it puts you in abundance. She believes that once you start appreciating you attract positive energy. Doing a gratitude rampage before getting out of bed, or even opening your eyes everyday uplifts your soul and puts you in a positive vibration thus attracting positivity in life. This is when the true shifts happen.